Catarina Homem

Catarina Homem, 38 years old, currently living in Lisbon. I am not a photographer but photography makes me happy.

I’ve lived in several countries in Europe where I always felt like being home and where  peace was something I took for granted.

I dedicated a part of my life working with refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea but I never thought that one day I would be working with refugees from Europe. The conflict in Ukraine is here to remind us that the most precious thing we can have is freedom and peace but also that keeping it should be an everyday job.

I chose these photographs because they are full of light, blue sky and sea and good memories and I hope they can bring inner peace to anyone who sees them. 

Printer - Epson SureColor S80600 (9 ink cartridges) - 1.440 DPI  

Paper - Semigloss 200 grs/m2  -  Image size 28x40 cm  -  Paper size - 36x50 cm

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Printer - Epson SureColor S80600 (9 ink cartridges) - 1.440 DPI  

Paper - Semigloss 200 grs/m2  -  Image size 28x40 cm  -  Paper size - 36x50 cm

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Printer - Epson SureColor S80600 (9 ink cartridges) - 1.440 DPI  

Paper - Semigloss 200 grs/m2  -  Image size 28x40 cm  -  Paper size - 36x50 cm

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