Fernando Gonçalves


Ten years have passed since Fernando Gonçalves started photographing a staircase by Gregotti at the Berardo Collection Museum, in Lisbon.

The Museum is part of the various services included in the Centro Cultural de Belém, a project by Vittorio Gregotti and the architecture firm Risco.

During these ten years Fernando Gonçalves photographed the stairs from the emotions it aroused, not only the stairs themselves, but also installations created by Miguel Palma, Alexander Calder, Joana Vasconcelos, João Pedro Vale and Robert Longo.
By the express will of the author this text is only descriptive, with no reference to the content of the photographs.
For Fernando Gonçalves, the photographs “speak” for themselves, or else they are failed acts.
We respect this position.

Maria Ribeiro - Curator